Now Lice Medicine will Cure Corona....

Now Lice Medicine will Cure Corona....

Australian scientists claim that Corona germs are going to be destroyed within 5 hours by using lice medicine. Unbelievably, a researcher in Melbourne, Australia, claimed the same.  Researchers from many countries are working day and night to make antibiotics but in the meantime, researchers have been surrounded by such claims. Coronavirus can be prevented by the drug litter of the human head!  And those scientists claim to have tested it as well.  A study led by Monash University has found that it is possible to kill corona germs in just five hours by using lice.
Now Lice Medicine will Cure Corona....

Ivermectin - The anti-parasitic drug has been used for many years for lice.  Researchers claim that high levels of these drugs may stop the growth of coronavirus in human cells. However, researchers have not yet determined whether the drug is fully effective on human coronavirus and to what extent it is safe to apply.  They have said that they will still perform a number of tests on proper application and quantification.  Researchers from the Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute and the Peter Doherty Institute of Infection and Immunity are jointly conducting the study.
Now Lice Medicine will Cure Corona....

Ivermectin is on the World Health Organization's list of essential drugs.  Until now, researchers have looked at the efficacy of this drug to prevent coronavirus disease.  It will still take time to discover the corona-vaccine.  Scientists are now examining whether Ivermectin can be used to prevent the spread of the deadly virus.  Australian researchers say Ivermectin is also effective against HIV, dengue and influenza viruses.

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